Windshield Repair Or Replacement? Deciding Which Is Best For You

Posted on: 18 May 2017

Do you own a vehicle with a damaged windshield? Have you been trying to decide whether the windshield needs to be replaced or if you can have it repaired? As you probably already know, a damaged windshield can not only impair your visibility but it can also result in a ticket. Repairs are possible for some types of damage but not for others, so deciding which is which can save you time and money. [Read More]

A Few Tips For Preventing Cracks In Your Windshield

Posted on: 11 May 2017

Once you have a crack or chip in your windshield it is only a matter of time before you are going to need to call for a repair or to have it replaced. Mobile windshield repair keeps you from having to go to a shop and wait around while it is being repaired. However, it is still going to cost you money or make you file an insurance claim. To help prevent having trouble with your windshield in the first place, here are a few things you should or should not do. [Read More]