In-Shop or Mobile Windshield Repair: Four Considerations

Posted on: 24 July 2020

A cracked or chipped windshield means it's time to consider glass replacement. You need to decide whether to take the car in for the fix, or whether to have the repair technician come to you. The following guide can help you make the best decision. Safety Considerations Safety is your number one consideration when determining whether or not to opt for mobile glass replacement. If the crack obstructs visibility, then it isn't safe to drive the car to a repair shop so mobile repair is better. [Read More]

5 Windshield-Related Terms You Should Know

Posted on: 28 May 2019

If you have a windshield that needs to be repaired, it can be helpful to understand the different terms that a windshield technician uses to discuss installing a new windshield. This can allow you to have a more in-depth and useful conversation with your windshield technician. Here are five important industry-specific terms you should know. Term #1: Cowl The term "cowl" refers to the cowl panel. This panel extends along the bottom edge of the glass, between the glass and the hood of your vehicle. [Read More]

Do You Really Need To Repair Your Vehicle After A Hailstorm?

Posted on: 28 January 2019

When raindrops freeze, they turn into chunks of ice known as hail. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), more than 6,000 hailstorms occurred in 2017, making hail damage a relatively common problem. Not only do hailstorms create hazardous driving conditions, but they also damage vehicles and ruin valuable crops. If money is tight, you may wonder if it's really necessary to fix your vehicle after it is damaged by hail. [Read More]

5 Reasons To Use Mobile Glass Repair Services

Posted on: 15 October 2018

Having a cracked or broken windshield or window can be a frustrating experience. You likely want to get on with your daily routine and don't want to drive unsafely. When you have any sort of damage to the glass in your vehicle, it's important that you get it fixed right away. The good news is that you don't even have to drive to a repair center. These days, mobile glass replacement and repair services make life easier for individuals just like you. [Read More]